Packages & Memberships
We want to take you and your family to the next level of your health! We want to work with you on all your wellness goals and be with you along this journey.
To make this financially feasible for a larger percentage of the community, we also offer packages & membership plans. Whether you're looking for a monthly membership or just want a package to use on your own timeline,
we've got you covered!
You only get 1 body, so let’s work together to ensure it’s the strongest,
most resilient body it can be!
Chiropractic Care Packages
Must have gone through an initial appointment before purchasing a package. Package must be paid in full
and expires 1 year after the first session is redeemed, not from the date of purchase.
Package cannot be refunded if any sessions have already been redeemed.
These can be shared among family members living in the same household.
30 Minute Appointments:
10 chiropractic appointments - $1,000 (save $100)
15 chiropractic appointments - $1,400 (save $250)
20 chiropractic appointments - $1,850 (save $350)
60 Minute Appointments:
10 chiropractic appointments - $1,650 (save $150)
15 chiropractic appointments - $2,325 (save $375)
20 chiropractic appointments - $3,100 (save $500)
Rehab & Recovery (R&R) Package:
For youth & college athletes only (as young as age 7)
Unique R&R sessions that combines the 20/20/20 approach
20 mins of chiropractic treatment (manual therapy, cupping, scraping, adjustments)
20 mins of active care (mobility work & retraining drills, etc)
20 mins of massage gun &/or compression boots
Package includes 10 appointments
Total value: $2,160
Total cost: $1,860 (save $300)
*Click "The Athlete Advantage" for more info!
Monthly Maintenance Memberships:
VIP Member:
2 follow-up (30 minutes) chiro appointments ($220 value)
2 compression boots add-on ($25 value)
Total value: $270
Total cost: $170 (save $100 per month)
Plus an additional 10% off all other services & supplements
4 follow-up (30 minutes) chiro appointments ($440 value)
4 compression boots add-on- ($100 value)
Total value: $540
Total cost: $380 (save $160 per month)
Plus an additional 10% off all other services & supplements
If you’re serious about living in the PR1ME of your life, then invest in yourself
with these Monthly Maintenance Memberships.
These are for those seeking regular maintenance to be able to
stay active for the rest of your lives!
Must have gone through the initial appointment and be a current
patient to sign up for memberships.